When you create a Hop account, we’ll send you account-related communications by email, including when you create or close your account, update your password, change your Auto-Load settings, register or delete a Hop card, add a payment method or load money. These are account-related notifications of which you cannot opt out.
To improve your experience on transit, we’ll also send you occasional emails with useful reminders about Hop and TriMet service, of which you may opt out. These emails include notifications when you are close to earning a Month Pass (for Honored Citizen riders only), and friendly reminders when you haven’t used your Hop card in a while. To unsubscribe to these kinds of emails, click the “Unsubscribe/Manage Account” link at the bottom of any email you received.
Please note that your Hop account is not the same as your trimet.org email account (which is used for Riders Club and Service Alerts, for example). Hop accounts are created at myhopcard.com or on the Hop app.