Updated May 22, 2024
We’re improving trimet.org based on your feedback
Our website team monitors customer feedback daily, and we're making improvements and adding new features regularly based on your comments and suggestions. If you have feedback about trimet.org, please let us know. Here's what we've heard from riders so far, and how we're improving our web app:
May 21, 2024:
- NEW: To improve access for people whose primary language is not English, we added a new language selector (in the header next to the MENU button) that lets users view trimet.org in their preferred language. Most of our Trip Tools and content pages are available in Spanish to start, and we'll be adding more languages in the coming months.
- NEW: In Tracker View and Nearby Service View, arrivals are now grouped by stop, so it's more obvious where to board each vehicle.
- UPDATED: Based on customer feedback, we updated the Trip Planner form and Trip Itinerary View to make travel options/trip settings more obvious. On the Trip Planner form, we added "When" and "Travel Options" labels to emphasize those form fields. The Travel Options field now more clearly indicates which transit modes are currently selected. The Trip Itinerary View now includes a summary of the selected origin and destination at the top of the itinerary for reference, as well as a more prominent link to "Change/add travel options" at the end of the itinerary.
- UPDATED: We improved the contrast of the text in the Search auto-complete results for readability.
- UPDATED: We removed the "Transit+Ridehail" option in Travel Options, because the feature was providing confusing or misleading trip itineraries.
- UPDATED: Trip Planner itinerary times are now converted to Pacific Time if the user is planning a trip from another time zone.
- UPDATED: Various performance improvements and bug fixes.
February 1, 2024:
- NEW: When a Global Alert is present at the top of the screen (due to a major disruption or service change), the alert banner is now larger so it’s easier to see. We also added an “X” button so you can easily dismiss the banner. You can view the alert again after closing it by clicking or tapping the “Service Alerts” button in the lower-right corner of the map. If we update the alert message after you've closed it, the banner will automatically re-appear at the top of the screen with the updated alert.
- NEW: Previously, when a stop or station was temporarily closed or there were no buses or trains serving it, Stop View displayed a generic error message stating that there are “no stops nearby.” Now, a more useful and accurate error message is shown – you will either see a specific service alert with details about that stop closure and a temporary stop location (if applicable), or you will see a general message stating that there is currently no service at that stop, with a link to see other alternative service nearby.
- NEW: In Location View (“See Service Nearby”) you can now bookmark the page or copy the URL from the address bar in your browser to share it or save it for later (like you can for Stop View, for example).
- NEW: In Vehicle Tracking View, the stops that are served by the selected bus or rail line along its route are now highlighted on the map, so you can more easily "look ahead" to see where a particular vehicle stops.
- NEW: In Itinerary View, trips that include the Portland Aerial Tram now include helpful information about Tram fares and a link to the Tram website.
- FIXED: Some users were experiencing “No network connection” errors even when there was a strong network connection.
- FIXED: After accessing the Main Menu and then returning to the previous screen, sometimes the user’s navigation history was not retained so the Back button didn’t work.
- FIXED: A “More” link was appearing at the end of Service Alerts even when there was no linked page available for more information.
- FIXED: In Trip Itinerary View, the timestamp on Service Alerts was showing an incorrect number for the year.
- FIXED: Some canceled MAX trains were labeled in Tracker View, Stop View and Service Nearby as a bus instead of a train.
- UPDATED: We adjusted tagging for screen readers to improve the user flow and help reduce the occurrence of distracting or irrelevant items being read aloud.
- UPDATED: After returning to a location inside the TriMet service area, the app will now automatically refresh itself and remove the “out-of-service-area” error message.
- UPDATED: After restoring network connectivity, the app will now automatically refresh the screen without requiring the user to manually refresh.
- UPDATED: Various performance improvements and bug fixes.
October 12, 2023:
- NEW: On the homepage, a “Security” button was added that lets riders contact TriMet’s security team directly, 24 hours a day.
- NEW: Buses that are not currently picking up passengers (which can occur if a bus is too crowded, too far behind schedule or if its following bus is close behind) are now clearly identified as “Drop-off only” in Tracker View and Vehicle Tracking View.
- UPDATED: Service Alerts are now consistently displayed in order from newest to oldest.
- UPDATED: In Itinerary View, the real-time TransitTracker arrival countdowns that are displayed for the first transit segment of the trip are now links that can be clicked/tapped to begin tracking that vehicle.
- FIXED: In Route View, when viewing a temporary MAX shuttle (which are used during construction projects such as A Better Red), users were erroneously being shown a link to sign up for email/SMS alerts for the temporary shuttle even though that’s not a valid subscription option.
- FIXED: iPhone users were required to tap a second time in order to type in the Search box after tapping “Search by Stop ID or address” button.
- FIXED: For some iPhone and iPad users running iOS 12, tapping the search box or “Search by Stop ID or address” button was causing the app to freeze.
- FIXED: A green box was appearing around items in the Main Menu when clicked.
- FIXED: In Tracker View, arrival cards for Portland Streetcar and WES Commuter Rail invited users to tap on a “Track” button even though Streetcar and WES vehicle position data is not available like it is for buses, which was causing an error.
- FIXED: In the Global Alert Banner, if the length of the alert text exceeded the width of the banner, the banner was wrapping onto multiple lines and causing issues with the app layout.
- FIXED: In Tracker View, arrivals for Portland Streetcar were not displaying correctly in some situations. We adjusted the presentation of arrivals to be clearer for riders.
July 31, 2023:
- NEW: The content pane is now resizable to allow a larger viewable area for the map. On a phone, just drag the content pane down to reveal more of the map. On a desktop computer or laptop, click the down-arrow icon to minimize the content pane.
- FIXED: MAX Shuttle Bus route information was not displaying consistently on the map and in Stop View.
- FIXED: MAX Shuttle Bus vehicles were being displayed using an internal route code. Now, MAX shuttles are shown with the word "MAX" in a white circle.
- FIXED: The timestamp/refresh button was erroneously being displayed on the Stop Amenities page.
- FIXED: The effective date was missing from Service Alerts.
- FIXED: Some Service Alert subscription links were signing up users for incorrect subscription topics.
- UPDATED: MAX vehicle icons are now displayed in the color of their line throughout the app.
- UPDATED: Various performance improvements and bug fixes.
June 22, 2023:
- FIXED: Some customers using the Jaws screen reader were unable to successfully plan a trip. This is part of a series of changes we’re making to improve the experience for customers using screen readers.
- FIXED: A bug was causing the app to repeatedly request vehicle location and arrival data from the server, which was resulting in slower performance.
- FIXED: Some customers were experiencing frequent “Something went wrong” errors.
- IMPROVED: We optimized the code for displaying stops on the map, so the map is now more responsive when panning/zooming.
- FIXED: The “information” link was broken in Route View for the MAX Shuttle Bus during planned MAX disruptions.
- FIXED: Stop icons on the map were sometimes flickering on and off.
- FIXED: In Vehicle Tracking View, the refresh/current time button was not updating the refresh time consistently.
- FIXED: In Vehicle Tracking View, after passing the selected stop, vehicles were showing an incorrect arrival countdown on the map.
- FIXED: Initiating a Trip Itinerary using a favorited stop as the origin was resulting in an error for some users.
- FIXED: Arrival countdowns shown in the bubbles above vehicle icons on the map were sometimes not in sync with the countdowns listed in the content pane.
April 26, 2023:
- FIXED: Some customers using Android phones were unable to change the departure time in the Trip Planner.
- UPDATED: In the Trip Planner, the time/date selector now includes easier-to-read time input fields, text and calendar widget.
- UPDATED: In the Trip Planner, we've added a "Leave now" toggle switch, which is on by default. This should help reduce the occurrences of unexpected Trip Planner results.
- FIXED: The “Print Trip” function was not working reliably in the Trip Itinerary.
- UPDATED: We added or updated accessibility labels throughout the app to improve the experience for our riders using screen readers.
- FIXED: The printer-friendly version of the Itinerary was missing Stop ID Numbers.
- FIXED: We updated the “Current Location” features for both desktop and mobile users based on rider feedback. This should fix issues with users’ current locations getting “stuck” in the wrong place. The app now lets desktop users clear/reset their current location. Mobile users are no longer given the option to manually set or change their current location, which was causing confusion for some users. Finally, the street address of the user’s current location is now displayed in the Tracker window. If you're still experiencing any issues with your current location on trimet.org, please go into your browser settings and clear your browsing data for trimet.org (clear “cookies” and “cache”).
- NEW: MAX and FX vehicle icons on the map are now displayed in the color of their line (FX Green, MAX Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Yellow).
- NEW: We added a new “skeleton screen” loading animation that indicates when the app is loading new data.
- FIXED: We added back the direction of travel on stop names shown in the autocomplete dropdowns.
- FIXED: Accessibility labels for screen readers were missing from the time/date selector fields.
- FIXED: Some buttons and text were lacking appropriate contrast for readability and ADA compliance.
- UPDATED: Some users were unable to easily locate the Main Menu button. The MENU button styling was updated for better contrast with the map.
- FIXED: iPhone and iPad users required an extra tap to begin typing in the Search and Trip Planner To and From fields.
- NEW: In Trip Itineraries for trips leaving now, we’ve added a TransitTracker arrival countdown (“Arriving in # minutes”) for the first transit segment, so you don’t have to leave the Trip Itinerary to find out when your ride is coming.
- FIXED: Favorites and Nearby arrivals are now separated into their own sections in Tracker View. We also removed an erroneous “Nearby” label in Tracker View when Favorites are visible.
- FIXED: System-wide service alerts were erroneously being displayed in every transit segment on Trip Itineraries.
- UPDATED: In Trip Itineraries, service alerts are now always shown in “collapsed” state. Previously, the entire text of the alerts were automatically displayed in the itinerary.
- FIXED: Some users were getting unexpected trip plan results because Trip Planner settings were persisting between sessions, which was not obvious to the user. Trip Planner settings no longer persist between sessions.
- UPDATED: The Trip Planner form now displays the specific modes that are selected in the “Travel Options” field, instead of simply showing “Go by Transit”.
- FIXED: We added back the missing clock/refresh button in Tracker View, Stop View, Vehicle Tracking View and Location View.
- UPDATED: We changed the display order of Favorites in the To/From/Search views so that they are now listed in ascending order by Stop ID.
- UPDATED: The app now obeys accessibility settings for reduced motion, which removes animation effects throughout the app.
- FIXED: In the Routes View, "Portland Aerial Tram" was appearing in the list erroneously.
- FIXED: In Trip Itinerary View, scooters and free-floating BIKETOWN bikes were displayed with an internal identifier code instead of a readable description.
- UPDATED: In Map Settings, FX2-Division is now displayed as a green route line on the Buses map overlay.
- UPDATED: Added “tooltips” on certain buttons and heading to help new users navigating the app with a mouse on a desktop computer.
- FIXED: In Trip Itineraries, the labels for transfer points on the map were unreadable or overlapping on smaller screens.
- FIXED: Vehicle icons were disappearing from the map when switching between Tracker and Routes View.
- FIXED: In the Trip Planner Travel Options, there was no default selection set for Ridehail or Park & Ride, which sometimes resulted in an error.
- FIXED: On mobile devices, when viewing the Main Menu, dragging the menu content down no longer reveals the map behind it at the top of the screen.
- FIXED: Content and formatting of the “out of service area” error message was not displaying correctly.
- FIXED: The map popups for carsharing locations were staying open on the map, even after the user initiated other actions.
- UPDATED: Replaced home screen icon with TriMet rosette logo on blue background.
- FIXED: There was a brief but noticeable and abrupt size change in the font and TriMet logo when the app first loaded.
- FIXED: Subscribing to email updates for service alerts now correctly subscribes you to the bus or rail line you were viewing.
- FIXED: Some phone users were unable to scroll down to view the entire Main Menu.
- FIXED: The street address of the user’s current location is now consistently displayed in the Trip Planner To and From fields, instead of latitude/longitude.
- FIXED: In the Trip Planner, the option to use your current location was disabled if the user had previously denied location access in the browser.
September 21, 2022:
- FIXED: In Trip Itinerary View, some itineraries included large blocks of white space between text elements, making them hard to read.
- UPDATED: Bus icons in Route View, Vehicle Tracking View and other app views, and vehicle labels on the Interactive Map, have been updated to reflect the new FX2-Division bus service.
September 13, 2022:
- FIXED: In Tracker View and Stop View, arrivals now include the scheduled time, which customers told us they rely on frequently to help identify specific vehicles they wish to take.
- FIXED: In Tracker View and Stop View, arrival times are now larger, bolder and easier to read.
- FIXED: In Tracker View and Stop View, scheduled times for future days now include the day of the week.
- FIXED: In Tracker View and Stop View, canceled buses and trains are now displayed consistently and are formatted differently in the arrivals list.
- FIXED: When typing in the Search box, sometimes there was a long delay before autocomplete results would appear.
- FIXED: In Stop View, Alerts View, Routes View and Location View, the "MAX" label was missing from the colored circle representing MAX.
- FIXED: In Stop View, page titles were not consistently rendering correctly.
- FIXED: In Trip Itinerary View, the "How to pay" button-link was displaying on all trips, even those that did not include transit.
- UPDATED: In Tracker View and Stop View, a new "Track" button helps indicate that arrival cards can be clicked/tapped to begin tracking a specific vehicle.
- UPDATED: FX2-Division information added to Trip Itinerary, Route List and other app pages in preparation for the new line going into service on September 18.
August 4, 2022:
- UPDATED: Removed Bolt scooters (which is no longer operational in Portland) from the Trip Planner.
June 9, 2022:
- FIXED: In Location View, the content pane was empty instead of showing a list of nearby arrivals.
May 26, 2022:
- FIXED: Some QR codes printed at bus stops and MAX stations for TransitTracker arrival times were not opening the correct trimet.org Stop Page for phone users.
- FIXED: Zipcar locations were temporarily missing from the map.
- NEW: Added Free2Move carshare layer on the map.
March 17, 2022:
- FIXED: For some customers, text in the FROM input field (on the “Enter Starting Point” screen) was being replaced by the current location automatically every few seconds, clearing out what they had previously typed in that field.
February 24, 2022:
- FIXED: Some customers were unable to easily read the text on various homepage screens, as it was either too small/thin or lacking contrast. (This remains a work in progress.)
- FIXED: On the main Planner screen, the time/date and mode selection buttons were not obvious enough and did not look clickable. Some customers were confused by the time/date selector screen layout as well, and as a result were unable to change the date/time of travel.
- FIXED: In Stop View, the arrival cards could only be opened one at a time, so it was impossible to compare arrival times for multiple lines at-a-glance.
- FIXED: The site was not displaying correctly on some recent (2020) browser versions.
- FIXED: Some customers were experiencing frequent “Something went wrong” errors.
- FIXED: When current location is not enabled, customers’ Favorites were not being displayed on the Tracker tab as expected.
- FIXED: When hovering over an arrival in Tracker View or Stop View, the map would unexpectedly move to center itself on that location, instead of simply highlighting that stop on the map.
- FIXED: Some customers reported that the real-time vehicle icons on the map were too distracting when planning a trip. Now, vehicle icons are hidden on the map when the user starts to plan a trip.
- FIXED: In Tracker View, customers were confused by the new layout – specifically, where to enter a Stop ID number. We’ve added a discrete button labeled “Search by Stop ID or address” and updated the instructional text.
- FIXED: The Tracker View was briefly displaying an error message while loading arrival times, even when there wasn’t really an error: “Sorry, there aren’t any buses or trains nearby right now.”
- FIXED: In Route View, the route search function was not working as expected.
- FIXED: On some web browsers, the vehicle graphics on the homepage (bus, MAX and WES illustrations) were appearing at different sizes and overlapping.
February 3, 2022:
- FIXED: Clicking on the “Tracker” tab unexpectedly made the Search box (and Menu, on phones) disappear.
- FIXED: On the Search and To/From screens, some landmarks, intersections and certain other locations were not appearing in search results.
- FIXED: The labels for the “Service Alerts,” “My Location,” and “Map Settings” buttons in the lower-right corner of the map were hidden by default, making it difficult to find the Service Alerts page or change the map settings.
- FIXED: Some customers were unable to print trips, receiving an error saying “There is no itinerary to print.”
- FIXED: Some customers were receiving Trip Planner itineraries with unexpected results.
- FIXED: The Main Menu content was not displaying correctly when a general/systemwide alert was present.
- FIXED: Some customers were unable to distinguish between long similarly named stops in search results, due to the length of the “TriMet Stop ID #####” text.
- FIXED: Some customers were unable to read the text in the To/From/Search input fields and autocomplete search results, as it was either too small/thin or lacking contrast.
- FIXED: Some customers were not sure where to enter a Stop ID number to look up arrival times for a stop, as the “Search” label in the box at the top of the map was ambiguous.
January 21, 2022:
- FIXED: For some customers, the homepage and map was very slow to load and/or unresponsive to clicks and gestures.
Known bugs and issues that will be addressed in future releases:
- In Vehicle Tracking View, customers are experiencing frequent vehicle tracking errors.
- Some customers are experiencing "Something went wrong" errors.
Other planned improvements based on customer feedback:
- Spanish and other language support
- Dark mode/high-contrast mode option
- Search/autocomplete refinements to improve search quality and speed
- Favoriting refinements to make favoriting easier and more obvious
- Aerial view and map iconography refinements
- Map performance refinements